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                                       Details van artikel 87 van 156 gevonden artikelen
  Influence of concentration and structure of quaternary ammonium salts on their antifouling efficiency tested against a community of marine bacteria
Titel: Influence of concentration and structure of quaternary ammonium salts on their antifouling efficiency tested against a community of marine bacteria
Auteur: Baudrion, F.
Perichaud, A.
Vacelet, E.
Verschenen in: Biofouling
Paginering: Jaargang 14 (2000) nr. 4 pagina's 317-331
Jaar: 2000-04
Inhoud: With the view of incorporating quaternary ammonium salts (QAs) in marine paints, nineteen of these were tested against a community of marine bacteria, at a temperature and salinity close to those of seawater. The concentration of QAs and the length of the main substituting chain are the main parameters affecting the growth and adhesion of bacteria, but the nature of (i) the other chains, (ii) the counter-ion and (iii) the rings when inserted in the QA molecule also influenced the bacteria. Increasing the concentration of the QAs decreased the growth rate of the bacteria, the maximum cell density at the plateau and the rate of adhesion. The effect of increasing the length of the main chain depended on the range of carbon numbers. Below 7 carbon atoms, the growth rate was not significantly modified, but the numbers of cells at the plateau increased in contrast with the adhesion rate which decreased rapidly. Increasing the length of the chain to between 7 and 16 carbon atoms resulted in a decrease in the growth rate, a decrease and then a stabilisation in the numbers of cells at the plateau and no further change in the adhesion rate. Possibly an increase in growth rate, adhesion rate and in the numbers of cells at the plateau may occur above 16 carbon atoms. In contrast, the length of the other chains influenced positively the cell concentration at the plateau, and more generally the efficiency of QAs decreased substantially when these chains had the same numbers of carbon atoms. QAs with iodide as counter-ion were more effective than those with chloride or bromide and phenyl was more effective than benzyl as rings inserted in QAs. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were often very high if compared to standard methods with laboratory strains, and this can be tentatively explained by the dominance of Gram— bacteria in the community assayed, the development of resistant strains in the cultures used with time and the presence of organic matter in the culture medium.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 87 van 156 gevonden artikelen
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