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  An analysis of the effects of higher education on wage differentials between blacks and whites by gender in the United States
Titel: An analysis of the effects of higher education on wage differentials between blacks and whites by gender in the United States
Auteur: Nord, Stephen
Verschenen in: Applied economics
Paginering: Jaargang 18 (1986) nr. 2 pagina's 173-189
Jaar: 1986-02
Inhoud: Previous analyses that have examined the effect to higher education on the wage differences between blacks and whites have largely been focussed on males and failed to provide quantitative estimates of the impact that higher education has on discrimination and the black-white wage differential for both genders in 1980. In particular, we find that equalizing the years of college completed by black and white males reduces the wage differential by 14%. Conversely, equalizing the years of college completed by black and white females exacerbates wage inequality by increasing the wage advantage accruing to black females by nearly 24%. Hence the egalitarian policy mission of higher education in narrowing wage inequality between blacks and whites is complicated by the issue of gender.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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