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  Generalized n-dimensional hilbert transform and applications
Titel: Generalized n-dimensional hilbert transform and applications
Auteur: Chaudhry, M.A.
Pandey, J.N.
Verschenen in: Applicable analysis
Paginering: Jaargang 20 (1985) nr. 3-4 pagina's 221-235
Jaar: 1985-10
Inhoud: Let [image omitted]  be the Schwartz test function space, consisting of infinitely differentiable functions φ defined over Rn such that φk(x) belongs to [image omitted]  for each k=0, 1, 2, 3,…. We shall introduce the space [image omitted]  of all test functions [image omitted]  of the form.[image omitted]  where each [image omitted]  and k is finite, and the function [image omitted]  We shall prove that [image omitted]  with the sub- space topology induced on it by the topology of [image omitted]  is dense in [image omitted]  The Hilbert transform of test functions in [image omitted]  is defined by: [image omitted]  It is seen that the operator [image omitted]  is a linear embedding and satisfies [image omitted]  The Hilbert transforn of test functions [image omitted]  is then defined by[image omitted]  where [image omitted]  is a sequence in [image omitted]  converging to φ in the sense of the convergence in [image omitted] . It is seen that [image omitted]  is a homeomorphism with its inverse given by [image omitted]  The Hilbert transforn Hf of [image omitted]  is then defined by [image omitted]  It is seen that the generalized Hilbert transform defined by the above relation is a linear isomorphism from [image omitted]  onto itself and satisfies [image omitted]  Applications of our result to solve some singular integral equations are also shown.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 4 van 10 gevonden artikelen
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