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  Training sixth-year medical students in obtaining case-history information from adults with aphasia
Titel: Training sixth-year medical students in obtaining case-history information from adults with aphasia
Auteur: Legg, Carol
Young, Loren
Bryer, Alan
Verschenen in: Aphasiology
Paginering: Jaargang 19 (2005) nr. 6 pagina's 559-575
Jaar: 2005-06
Inhoud: Background: Recent studies have shown that partner training in supported communication strategies enhances communication for people with aphasia. Such training of healthcare providers may facilitate communication with adults with aphasia in the healthcare arena.Aims: In this study, a group of sixth-year medical students were trained to use supported communication strategies for the specific purpose of obtaining a case history from an adult with aphasia. These strategies were based on principles of Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM) (Kagan, 1995, 1998a). Methods & Procedures: A randomised controlled group design was employed, in which the control group received theoretical information about aphasia and the experimental group received training in supported communication techniques. Baseline and post-training measures were obtained through rating participants' performance in a medical case-history interview with an adult with aphasia.Outcomes & Results: Students who received communication skills training improved significantly in their abilities to conduct a medical interview with an adult with aphasia in terms of obtaining information and establishing rapport. Conclusions: The results of this study provide motivation for communication skills training of healthcare professionals who interact with individuals with aphasia. Such training, utilising minimal resources and time, can effectively be incorporated into a medical training curriculum.
Uitgever: Psychology Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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