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  A dog that didn't bark: W. H. R. Rivers and the multiple self
Titel: A dog that didn't bark: W. H. R. Rivers and the multiple self
Auteur: Littlewood, Roland
Verschenen in: Anthropology & medicine
Paginering: Jaargang 8 (2001) nr. 2-3 pagina's 279-288
Jaar: 2001-08-01
Inhoud: Given the widespread late 19 th century interest in double (and multiple) personality, and Rivers' central interest in dissociation, it is noteworthy that he barely refers to the multiple self. Suggested reasons include (a) Rivers' own affiliations with British and German, rather than French or American, psychiatry; (b) his own return to psychiatry only in 1916 when the multiple personality epidemic had ebbed; (c) his espousal of a 'horizontal' (rather than vertical) split in the normal personality, following Hughlings Jackson and Freud; (d) some sense that multiple personality was too histrionic, and thus perhaps motivated; and (e) his emphasis on bio-psychological rather than cultural explanation for psychopathology.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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