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  Hunting in Currier and Ives's America
Titel: Hunting in Currier and Ives's America
Auteur: Beau, Bryan F. Le
Verschenen in: American nineteenth century history
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2001) nr. 1 pagina's 105-116
Jaar: 2001
Inhoud: Currier and Ives were the most prolific producers of inexpensive lithographs in nineteenth-century America, their prints designed to be mirrors of national tastes and attitudes. They never intended to create fine art, but rather to produce images that would be attractive to their largely middle-class clientele. As people gathered in cities in increasingly large numbers and had their work hours regulated, they had the time, interest, and disposable income to engage in various sporting activities. Well-off city dwellers took to hunting, both for enjoyment and as a symbolic, ritualistic expression of their place in society. Hunting came to reflect urban males' preoccupation with pursuits that might liberate them from the growing regimentation of city life and gave visible form to the definition of masculinity in their newly adopted urban environment. Currier and Ives mirrored the development of that image in more than 100 lithographs on hunting.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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