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                                       Details van artikel 90 van 107 gevonden artikelen
  Taking over someone else's design: Implications for the tutor's role in networked learning
Titel: Taking over someone else's design: Implications for the tutor's role in networked learning
Auteur: Asensio, Mireia
Whatley, Janice
Jones, Chris
Verschenen in: ALT-J
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (2001) nr. 3 pagina's 65-74
Jaar: 2001
Inhoud: The experience of taking over an already designed Web-based course helps us to investigate the claims in the literature about the role that tutors have more generally in networked learning. This paper addresses this issue through a case study and brings together the tutor's experience and her reflective diary, as well as the interview data from a JISC/CALT phenomenographic study of tutors' and students' experiences. This particular case study raises issues about the tutors' role, teaching activity, design and the value of content resources and knowledge representation. Finally the paper reflects on the implications for the tutor in this situation and provides suggestions for future practice.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 90 van 107 gevonden artikelen
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