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                                       Details for article 69 of 107 found articles
  Observations of expert communicators in immersive virtual worlds: implications for synchronous discussion
Title: Observations of expert communicators in immersive virtual worlds: implications for synchronous discussion
Author: McVey, Michael Hamilton
Appeared in: ALT-J
Paging: Volume 16 (2008) nr. 3 pages 173-180
Year: 2008-09
Contents: With the increased interest in using Immersive Virtual Worlds (IVWs) such as Second Life to augment and amplify teaching or to develop communities of practice, the author engaged graduate students, all current K-12 teachers, in a qualitative study to examine their attitudes about communicating for the first time in a virtual setting represented by an interactive avatar. This study sought to determine if students were able to discern degrees of expertise in other avatars by providing encounters with guests who had a significant amount of experience navigating in a virtual world. The study examined Second Life as a synchronous discussion tool for a higher education setting and finds it lacking in some respects, but is able to make recommendations about training instructors to exhibit behaviours that may inspire confidence while leading a class in such a setting.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 69 of 107 found articles
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