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                                       Details van artikel 39 van 169 gevonden artikelen
  Cross-curricular IT tools for university students: Developing an effective model
Titel: Cross-curricular IT tools for university students: Developing an effective model
Auteur: Martin, Allan
Fayter, Debra
Verschenen in: ALT-J
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (1997) nr. 1 pagina's 70-76
Jaar: 1997
Inhoud: Information technology is now recognized as a key study-enhancement measure in higher education, and there is increasing demand for the provision of basic IT awareness and skills across the whole range of subject departments. One response to this demand is the central provision of a generic IT course or programme of courses. We draw upon the experience of such courses at the Universities of Glasgow and York to identify some of the significant dimensions in the development and operation of generic IT programmes. These include the policy context, the structure, content and educational stance of the programme, relationship of the programme to existing curricula, and the extent and nature of resourcing, assessment and certification. Operation of such courses raises important issues, such as questions of compulsory IT preparation, study skills, staff development, standardization, institutional policy and evaluation. This discussion is set within current trends in higher education.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 39 van 169 gevonden artikelen
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