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  Care centre visits to married people living with HIV: An indicator for measuring AIDS-related stigma & discrimination
Titel: Care centre visits to married people living with HIV: An indicator for measuring AIDS-related stigma & discrimination
Auteur: Green, D. A.
Devi, S.
Paulraj, L. S.
Verschenen in: AIDS care
Paginering: Jaargang 19 (2007) nr. 7 pagina's 910-915
Jaar: 2007-08
Inhoud: We tested whether observation of the presence and relationship of attendants (i.e. those that accompany upon admission) and visitors to a sample of 230 (128 male, 102 female) married HIV-positive people in an HIV care centre provides an indicator of caregiving, AIDS-related stigma and discrimination. Sensitivity to gender, location (urban vs. rural), age (<35 yrs vs. >35) and source of infection (spouse vs. non-spouse) were factors considered to modulate AIDS-related stigma and assess discrimination. HIV-positive people were accompanied by their spouse (53%), mother (14%), father (7%), with only 7% attending alone. Immediate family most commonly accompanied on admission (80%), but visitors were mainly from the 'extended' family (32%) with many receiving no visitors (48%). Females (11%) were more likely than males to attend alone (11% vs. 4%; p<0.05). No effect of location, age or infector was obtained. Females were more likely to be visited by their mother (14% vs. 6%; p<0.01) and non-immediate family (39% vs. 27%; p<0.05) than males were. In contrast, fathers (0% vs. 6%; p <0.05) and spouses were less likely (3% vs. 10%; p<0.05) to visit females than males. No effect of location or age upon visitation was obtained. Non-spouse infected persons were less likely than spouse-infected to be visited by their spouse (3% vs. 10%; p<0.05) but more likely to receive 'extended' family visitation (43% vs. 24%; p<0.01). Spouse-infected persons had a higher rate of no visitors than persons not infected by their spouse (54% vs. 40%; p<0.05). Observation of the presence and relationship of attendants and visitors to HIV-positive people has potential as an indicator of caregiving AIDS-related stigma and discrimination. The measure appears particularly sensitive to the gender of the HIV-positive person. Such a measure may aid healthcare professionals to focus resources such as relational counselling upon the family and close friends of people experiencing AIDS-related stigma and discrimination, with the aim of improving the provision of care within the community.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 4 van 20 gevonden artikelen
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