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  A multicentre study on the causes of death among Italian injecting drug users. AIDS has overtaken overdose as the principal cause of death
Titel: A multicentre study on the causes of death among Italian injecting drug users. AIDS has overtaken overdose as the principal cause of death
Auteur: Mezzelani, P.
Quaglio, G. L.
Venturini, L.
Gics, F. Lugoboni
Friedman, S. R.
Jarlais, D. C. Des
Verschenen in: AIDS care
Paginering: Jaargang 10 (1998) nr. 1 pagina's 61-67
Jaar: 1998-02-01
Inhoud: The causes of death among injecting drug users (IDUs) are still being discussed worldwide. We analysed the causes of death among IDUs attending 26 centres for drug users in North-Eastern Italy from 1985 to 1994. The study of a total number of 1,022 deaths reveals the following: (1) AIDS has become the primary cause of death among IDUs since 1991 and is rising even in an area with a moderate HIV seroprevalence; (2) the mean age of death in AIDS patients proved higher than among patients who died of other causes (which may be due to the long incubation period of AIDS); (3) our data do not reveal higher HIV seroprevalence among IDUs who died of overdose and suicide as opposed to IDUs who died of other causes; (4) the mortality rate in IDUs is significantly higher when compared to that of the general population in the same age group.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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