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                                       Details for article 2 of 19 found articles
  An Underestimation of Heroin Deaths Due to the Use of “Acute Opiate Intoxication” on Death Certificates
Title: An Underestimation of Heroin Deaths Due to the Use of “Acute Opiate Intoxication” on Death Certificates
Author: Gill, James R.
Vincent, Gregory A.
Toriello, Allison
Nelson, Lewis S.
Appeared in: Academic forensic pathology
Paging: Volume 6 (2016) nr. 1 pages 114-121
Year: 2016-03
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 2 of 19 found articles
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands