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  Reviews: Shakespeare and the Victorians, Victorian Shakespeare, Volume I: Theatre, Drama and Performance., Women's Theatre Writing in Victorian Britain, Theatre, Politics, and Markets in Fin-De Siécle Paris: Staging Modernity, Staging Politics and Gender: French Women's Drama, 1880–1923, Blackface Cuba, 1840–1895, Shoot! The Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio, Cinematograph Operator, the Big Show: British Cinema Culture in the Great War, 1914–1918, Moving Pictures: American Art and Early Film, 1880–1910, Humanist and Emotional Beginnings of a Nationalist Indian Cinema in Bombay: With Kracauer in the Footsteps of Phalke, the Collected Films 1895–1908
Title: Reviews: Shakespeare and the Victorians, Victorian Shakespeare, Volume I: Theatre, Drama and Performance., Women's Theatre Writing in Victorian Britain, Theatre, Politics, and Markets in Fin-De Siécle Paris: Staging Modernity, Staging Politics and Gender: French Women's Drama, 1880–1923, Blackface Cuba, 1840–1895, Shoot! The Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio, Cinematograph Operator, the Big Show: British Cinema Culture in the Great War, 1914–1918, Moving Pictures: American Art and Early Film, 1880–1910, Humanist and Emotional Beginnings of a Nationalist Indian Cinema in Bombay: With Kracauer in the Footsteps of Phalke, the Collected Films 1895–1908
Author: Mazer, Cary M.
Donkin, Ellen
Singleton, Brian
Byrne, Kevin
Welle, John P.
DeBauche, Leslie Midkiff
Gerstner, David A.
Mahadevan, Sudhir
Solomon, Matthew
Appeared in: Nineteenth century theatre & film
Paging: Volume 35 (2008) nr. 1 pages 56-80
Year: 2008-05
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Sage UK: London, England
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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