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  Astrocytic Activation and Delayed Infarct Expansion after Permanent Focal Ischemia in Rats. Part II: Suppression of Astrocytic Activation by a Novel Agent (R)-(−)-2-propyloctanoic acid (ONO-2506) Leads to Mitigation of Delayed Infarct Expansion and Early Improvement of Neurologic Deficits
Titel: Astrocytic Activation and Delayed Infarct Expansion after Permanent Focal Ischemia in Rats. Part II: Suppression of Astrocytic Activation by a Novel Agent (R)-(−)-2-propyloctanoic acid (ONO-2506) Leads to Mitigation of Delayed Infarct Expansion and Early Improvement of Neurologic Deficits
Auteur: Tateishi, Narito
Mori, Takashi
Kagamiishi, Yoshifumi
Satoh, Souichi
Katsube, Nobuo
Morikawa, Eiharu
Morimoto, Tadashi
Matsui, Toru
Asano, Takao
Verschenen in: Journal of cerebral blood flow & metabolism
Paginering: Jaargang 22 (2002) nr. 6 pagina's 723-734
Jaar: 2002-06
Uitgever: SAGE Publications, Sage UK: London, England
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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