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  BookReview: Gavrielides, T. (2007). Restorative Justice Theory and Practice: Addressing the Discrepancy. Helsinki, Finland: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, 301 pp. Wright, M. (2008). Restoring Respect for Justice (2nd ed.). Hampshire, UK: Waterside Press, x, 249 pp
Titel: BookReview: Gavrielides, T. (2007). Restorative Justice Theory and Practice: Addressing the Discrepancy. Helsinki, Finland: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, 301 pp. Wright, M. (2008). Restoring Respect for Justice (2nd ed.). Hampshire, UK: Waterside Press, x, 249 pp
Auteur: Pepinsky, Hal
Verschenen in: International criminal justice review
Paginering: Jaargang 19 (2009) nr. 1 pagina's 64-65
Jaar: 2009-03
Uitgever: SAGE Publications, Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 8 van 24 gevonden artikelen
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