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  Cambridge Commentaries on Writings of the Jewish && Christian World 200 BC to AD 200, edited by P. R. ACKROYD, A. R. C. LEANEY, J. W. PACKER, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Volume 1, Part 1: John R. BARTLETT, Jews in the Hellenistic World. Josephus, Aristeas, The Sibylline Oracles, Eupolemus, 1985, x and 209 pp., paper, £ 8.95; Volume 4: M. DE JONGE (ed.), Outside the Old Testament, 1985, xv and 263 pp., paper, £ 11.95; Volume 6: Molly WHITTAKER, Jews && Christians: Graeco-Roman Views, 1984, xii and 286 pp., paper, £ 9.95; Volume 7: A. R. C. LEANEY, The Jewish && Christian World 200 BC to AD 200, 1984, xx and 259 pp., paper, £ 8.95
Titel: Cambridge Commentaries on Writings of the Jewish && Christian World 200 BC to AD 200, edited by P. R. ACKROYD, A. R. C. LEANEY, J. W. PACKER, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Volume 1, Part 1: John R. BARTLETT, Jews in the Hellenistic World. Josephus, Aristeas, The Sibylline Oracles, Eupolemus, 1985, x and 209 pp., paper, £ 8.95; Volume 4: M. DE JONGE (ed.), Outside the Old Testament, 1985, xv and 263 pp., paper, £ 11.95; Volume 6: Molly WHITTAKER, Jews && Christians: Graeco-Roman Views, 1984, xii and 286 pp., paper, £ 9.95; Volume 7: A. R. C. LEANEY, The Jewish && Christian World 200 BC to AD 200, 1984, xx and 259 pp., paper, £ 8.95
Verschenen in: Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period
Paginering: Jaargang 17 (1986) nr. 1 pagina's 92-94
Jaar: 1986-01-01
Uitgever: Brill, Leiden/Boston
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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