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  Book Reviews: A Critical Dictionary of Sociology, A Treatise on Social Theory. Volume II: Substantive Social Theory, Max Weber and Thomas Mann: Calling and the Shaping of the Self, ÉMile Durkheim and the Reformation of Sociology, Politics and Class Analysis, Choice, Rationality and Social, Social Anthropology and the Politics of Language, The Pluralist Theory of the State: Selected Writings of G.D.H. Cole, J.N. Figgis and H.J. Laski, Let History Judge: The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism, Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory, The Woman in the Body. A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction, Rediscovering Masculinity: Reason, Language and Sexuality, Growing Old in the Twentieth Century, Nursing the Dying, Doctoring the Media: The Reporting of Health and Medicine, Social Order/Mental Disorder: Anglo-American Psychiatry in Historical Perspective., Sport in Britain: A Social History, Family Art, ‘Highbrow! Lowbrow’: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America
Titel: Book Reviews: A Critical Dictionary of Sociology, A Treatise on Social Theory. Volume II: Substantive Social Theory, Max Weber and Thomas Mann: Calling and the Shaping of the Self, ÉMile Durkheim and the Reformation of Sociology, Politics and Class Analysis, Choice, Rationality and Social, Social Anthropology and the Politics of Language, The Pluralist Theory of the State: Selected Writings of G.D.H. Cole, J.N. Figgis and H.J. Laski, Let History Judge: The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism, Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory, The Woman in the Body. A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction, Rediscovering Masculinity: Reason, Language and Sexuality, Growing Old in the Twentieth Century, Nursing the Dying, Doctoring the Media: The Reporting of Health and Medicine, Social Order/Mental Disorder: Anglo-American Psychiatry in Historical Perspective., Sport in Britain: A Social History, Family Art, ‘Highbrow! Lowbrow’: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America
Auteur: Turner, Bryan S.
Smith, Dennis
Layder, Derek
Turner, Charles
Pickering, W. S. F.
Savage, Mike
Gaffney, John
Smith, Dennis
Coomber, Ross
Somerville, Jennifer
McDonald, Maryon
Christian, Harry
Bernard, Miriam
Bury, Michael
Bellaby, Paul
Skultans, Vieda
Sheard, Ken
Hunt, Pauline
DiMaggio, Paul
Verschenen in: The sociological review
Paginering: Jaargang 38 (1990) nr. 3 pagina's 564-612
Jaar: 1990-08
Uitgever: SAGE Publications, Sage UK: London, England
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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