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                                       Details for article 16 of 24 found articles
  PPAR-γ expression in pituitary tumours and the functional activity of the glitazones: evidence that any anti-proliferative effect of the glitazones is independent of the PPAR-γ receptor
Title: PPAR-γ expression in pituitary tumours and the functional activity of the glitazones: evidence that any anti-proliferative effect of the glitazones is independent of the PPAR-γ receptor
Author: Emery, Michelle N.
Leontiou, Chrysanthia
Bonner, Sarah E.
Merulli, Chiara
Nanzer, Alexandra M.
Musat, Madalina
Galloway, Malcolm
Powell, Michael
Nikookam, Khash
Korbonits, Márta
Grossman, Ashley B.
Appeared in: Clinical endocrinology
Paging: Volume 65 (2006) nr. 3 pages 389-395
Year: 2006-09
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 16 of 24 found articles
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