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                                       Details for article 14 of 15 found articles
  Pulmonary vasoreactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats - Effects of endothelin-1 and leptin
Title: Pulmonary vasoreactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats - Effects of endothelin-1 and leptin
Author: Gomart, Samantha
Damoiseaux, Cécile
Jespers, Pascale
Makanga, Martine
Labranche, Nathalie
Pochet, Stéphanie
Michaux, Charles
Berkenboom, Guy
Naeije, Robert
McEntee, Kathleen
Dewachter, Laurence
Appeared in: Respiratory research
Paging: Volume 15 (2014) nr. 1 pages xx
Year: 2014-02-05
Publisher: BioMed Central, London
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 14 of 15 found articles
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