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  Influence of the initial concentration of hydrogen and modes of vacuum annealing on the structure, phase composition, and mechanical properties of sheet billet of the VT6 alloy: Part 1. Influence of the initial hydrogen concentration and modes of vacuum annealing on the phase composition and the average diameter of grain of the VT6 alloy
Titel: Influence of the initial concentration of hydrogen and modes of vacuum annealing on the structure, phase composition, and mechanical properties of sheet billet of the VT6 alloy: Part 1. Influence of the initial hydrogen concentration and modes of vacuum annealing on the phase composition and the average diameter of grain of the VT6 alloy
Auteur: Nosov, V. K.
Nesterov, P. A.
Shchugorev, Yu. Yu.
Polyakov, O. A.
Grachev, N. A.
Verschenen in: Russian journal of non-ferrous metals
Paginering: Jaargang 53 (2012) nr. 4 pagina's 302-307
Jaar: 2012
Uitgever: Allerton Press, Inc., Heidelberg
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 3 van 12 gevonden artikelen
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