Does the use of a suction calibration system (SCS) reduce stapler load firings and operative time? A randomized controlled trial comparing use of endoscopic calibration vs. SCS in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Does the use of a suction calibration system (SCS) reduce stapler load firings and operative time? A randomized controlled trial comparing use of endoscopic calibration vs. SCS in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Hechenbleikner, Elizabeth Mou, Danny Delgado, Victoria Majumdar, Melissa Grunewald, Zachary Fay, Katherine Hall, Carrie E. Wells, Marcus T. Patel, Ankit Stetler, Jamil Serrot, Federico Srinivasan, Jahnavi Oyefule, Omobolanle Diller, Maggie Davis, Scott Lin, Edward
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Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques