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  Assessing erosion prone areas in a watershed using interval rough-analytical hierarchy process (IR-AHP) and fuzzy logic (FL)
Title: Assessing erosion prone areas in a watershed using interval rough-analytical hierarchy process (IR-AHP) and fuzzy logic (FL)
Author: Meshram, Sarita Gajbhiye
Singh, Vijay P.
Kahya, Ercan
Sepehri, Mehdi
Meshram, Chandrashekhar
Hasan, Mohd Abul
Islam, Saiful
Duc, Pham Anh
Appeared in: Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment
Paging: Volume 36 () nr. 2 pages 297-312
Year: 2021-11-29
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin/Heidelberg
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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