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  Bayesian Recognition of the State of the Information-Measuring System of a Moving Object: Study of the Algorithm for Correcting the Weight of A Priori Information
Titel: Bayesian Recognition of the State of the Information-Measuring System of a Moving Object: Study of the Algorithm for Correcting the Weight of A Priori Information
Auteur: Ermolin, O. V.
Muzhichek, S. M.
Pavlov, V. I.
Sebryakov, G. G.
Skrynnikov, A. A.
Tolstykh, S. V.
Verschenen in: Journal of computer and systems sciences international
Paginering: Jaargang 61 () nr. 4 pagina's 505-511
Jaar: 2022-08-22
Uitgever: Pleiades Publishing, Moscow
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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