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  Eruption type probability and eruption source parameters at Cotopaxi and Guagua Pichincha volcanoes (Ecuador) with uncertainty quantification
Title: Eruption type probability and eruption source parameters at Cotopaxi and Guagua Pichincha volcanoes (Ecuador) with uncertainty quantification
Author: Tadini, Alessandro
Roche, Olivier
Samaniego, Pablo
Azzaoui, Nourddine
Bevilacqua, Andrea
Guillin, Arnaud
Gouhier, Mathieu
Bernard, Benjamin
Aspinall, Willy
Hidalgo, Silvana
Eychenne, Julia
de’ Michieli Vitturi, Mattia
Neri, Augusto
Cioni, Raffaello
Pistolesi, Marco
Gaunt, Elizabeth
Vallejo, Silvia
Encalada, Marjorie
Yepes, Hugo
Proaño, Antonio
Pique, Mia
Appeared in: Bulletin of volcanology
Paging: Volume 83 () nr. 5 pages xx
Year: 2021-04-16
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin/Heidelberg
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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