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                                       Details for article 4 of 6 found articles
  Fiscal federalism and the politics of immigration: Centralized and decentralized immigration policies in Canada and the United States
Title: Fiscal federalism and the politics of immigration: Centralized and decentralized immigration policies in Canada and the United States
Author: Boushey, Graeme
Luedtke, Adam
Appeared in: Journal of comparative policy analysis
Paging: Volume 8 (2006) nr. 3 pages 207-224
Year: 2006-09-01
Contents: Why would immigration policy be centralized or decentralized in a federal system? What incentives do political actors at the central and sub-central levels of government possess vis-a-vis immigration policy? Taking account of the growing need to make sense of the unique features of immigration policy in a federal system (e.g. the mobility of labor, regional and national identities), and the unique challenges to federalism posed by immigration (e.g. public policy co-ordination, social cohesiveness), this paper advances a general theory of immigration politics in federations. It then illustrates this theory through discussion of two empirical cases: Canada and the United States.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 4 of 6 found articles
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