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                                       Details van artikel 120 van 247 gevonden artikelen
  Multiresponse systems optimization using a goal attainment approach
Titel: Multiresponse systems optimization using a goal attainment approach
Auteur: Xu, Kai
Lin, Dennis K. J.
Tang, Loon-Ching
Xie, Min
Verschenen in: IIE transactions
Paginering: Jaargang 36 (2004) nr. 5 pagina's 433-445
Jaar: 2004-05
Inhoud: A goal attainment approach to optimize multiresponse systems is presented. This approach aims to identify the settings of control factors to minimize the overall weighted maximal distance measure with respect to individual response targets. Based on a nonlinear programming technique, a sequential quadratic programming algorithm, the method is proved to be robust and can achieve good performance for multiresponse optimization problems with multiple conflicting goals. Moreover, the optimization formulation may include some prior work as special cases by assigning proper response targets and weights. Fewer assumptions are needed when using the approach as compared to other techniques. Furthermore, the decision-maker's preference and the model's predictive ability can easily be incorporated into the weights' adjustment schemes with explicit physical interpretation. The proposed approach is investigated and compared with other techniques through various classical examples in the literature.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 120 van 247 gevonden artikelen
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