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                                       Details for article 6 of 20 found articles
  Effects of invasive larval bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) on disease transmission, growth and survival in the larvae of native amphibians
Title: Effects of invasive larval bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) on disease transmission, growth and survival in the larvae of native amphibians
Author: Blaustein, Andrew R.
Jones, Devin K.
Urbina, Jenny
Cothran, Ricky D.
Harjoe, Carmen
Mattes, Brian
Buck, Julia C.
Bendis, Randall
Dang, Trang
Gervasi, Stephanie S.
Relyea, Rick
Appeared in: Biological invasions
Paging: Volume 22 () nr. 5 pages 1771-1784
Year: 2020-02-25
Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Cham
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 6 of 20 found articles
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