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                                       Details for article 3 of 9 found articles
  Endovascular Baroreflex Amplification With the MobiusHD Device in Patients With Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction: Interim Analysis of the First-in-Human Results
Title: Endovascular Baroreflex Amplification With the MobiusHD Device in Patients With Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction: Interim Analysis of the First-in-Human Results
Author: Piayda, Kerstin
Sievert, Kolja
Sievert, Horst
Shaburishvili, Tamaz
Gogorishvili, Irakli
Rothman, Martin
Januzzi Jr, James L.
Lindenfeld, JoAnn
Stone, Gregg W.
Appeared in: Structural heart
Paging: Volume 6 () nr. 5 pages p.
Year: 2022
Publisher: The Author(s)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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