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                                       Details for article 15 of 18 found articles
  Structural and electrochemical evolution of alloy interfacial layers in anode-free solid-state batteries
Title: Structural and electrochemical evolution of alloy interfacial layers in anode-free solid-state batteries
Author: Sandoval, Stephanie Elizabeth
Lewis, John A.
Vishnugopi, Bairav S.
Nelson, Douglas Lars
Schneider, Matthew M.
Cortes, Francisco Javier Quintero
Matthews, Christopher M.
Watt, John
Tian, Mengkun
Shevchenko, Pavel
Mukherjee, Partha P.
McDowell, Matthew T.
Appeared in: Joule
Paging: Volume 7 () nr. 9 pages 2054-2073
Year: 2023
Publisher: Elsevier Inc.
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 15 of 18 found articles
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