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                                       Details van artikel 24 van 36 gevonden artikelen
  Recent Books Worth Borrowing Or Buying* * * *Books may be borrowed, by members of the Association for a period of one week after date of receipt; and if not reserved for some one else, the period will be extended on request. A deposit of $2.00 for each volume to be sent at one time should accompany all requests for † If you wish to purchase books, indicate plainly which books you desire and enclose check with order. For comprehensive list of recent books see The Journal for September 1932.
Titel: Recent Books Worth Borrowing Or Buying* * * *Books may be borrowed, by members of the Association for a period of one week after date of receipt; and if not reserved for some one else, the period will be extended on request. A deposit of $2.00 for each volume to be sent at one time should accompany all requests for † If you wish to purchase books, indicate plainly which books you desire and enclose check with order. For comprehensive list of recent books see The Journal for September 1932.
Auteur: De Association, American ntal
Verschenen in: The journal of the American Dental Association
Paginering: Jaargang 20 (1933) nr. 1 pagina's 2 p.
Jaar: 1933
Uitgever: American Dental Association.
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 24 van 36 gevonden artikelen
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