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  Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon a universal electronic consultation program (e-consultation) between general practitioners and cardiologists
Title: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon a universal electronic consultation program (e-consultation) between general practitioners and cardiologists
Author: Mazón-Ramos, P.
Román-Rego, A.
Díaz-Fernández, B.
Portela-Romero, M.
Garcia-Vega, D.
Bastos-Fernández, M.
Rey-Aldana, D.
Lage-Fernández, R.
Cinza-Sanjurjo, S.
González-Juanatey, J.R.
Appeared in: Revista clinica Española. English edition
Paging: Volume 223 () nr. 6 pages 350-358
Year: 2023
Publisher: Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 2 of 9 found articles
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