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                                       Details for article 8 of 9 found articles
  The effect of anion injection and changes in the external potassium and chloride concentration on the reversal potentials of the IPSP and acetylcholine
Title: The effect of anion injection and changes in the external potassium and chloride concentration on the reversal potentials of the IPSP and acetylcholine
Author: Kerkut, G.A.
Thomas, R.C.
Appeared in: Comparative biochemistry and physiology
Paging: Volume 11 () nr. 2 pages 199-202, IN5-IN8, 203-213
Year: 1964
Publisher: Published by Elsevier B.V.
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 8 of 9 found articles
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