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                                       Details for article 25 of 44 found articles
  Lesson From the New York City Out-of-Hospital Uncontrolled Donation After Circulatory Determination of Death Program
Title: Lesson From the New York City Out-of-Hospital Uncontrolled Donation After Circulatory Determination of Death Program
Author: Wall, Stephen P.
Kaufman, Bradley J.
Williams, Nicholas
Norman, Elizabeth M.
Gilbert, Alexander J.
Munjal, Kevin G.
Maikhor, Shana
Goldstein, Michael J.
Rivera, Julia E.
Lerner, Harvey
Meyers, Chad
Machado, Marion
Montella, Susan
Pressman, Marcy
Teperman, Lewis W.
Dubler, Nancy N.
Goldfrank, Lewis R.
Appeared in: Annals of emergency medicine
Paging: Volume 67 (2016) nr. 4 pages 5.37E41 p.
Year: 2016
Publisher: American College of Emergency Physicians
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 25 of 44 found articles
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