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  Use of constrained acetabular components for hip instability: an average 10-year follow-up study 1 1 One or more of the authors has received or will receive benefits for personal or professional use from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article. In addition, benefits have been or will be directed to a research fund or foundation, educational institution, or other nonprofit organization with which one or more of the authors are associated. Furthermore, funds were received in total or partial support of the research or clinical study presented in this article from National Institutes of Health Grant AR43314.
Titel: Use of constrained acetabular components for hip instability: an average 10-year follow-up study 1 1 One or more of the authors has received or will receive benefits for personal or professional use from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article. In addition, benefits have been or will be directed to a research fund or foundation, educational institution, or other nonprofit organization with which one or more of the authors are associated. Furthermore, funds were received in total or partial support of the research or clinical study presented in this article from National Institutes of Health Grant AR43314.
Auteur: Bremner, Barron R.B
Goetz, Devon D
Callaghan, John J
Capello, William N
Johnston, Richard C
Verschenen in: Journal of arthroplasty
Paginering: Jaargang 18 (2003) nr. S pagina's 7 p.
Jaar: 2003
Uitgever: Elsevier Inc.
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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