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  2002 annual report of the American association of poison control centers toxic exposure surveillance system 1 1 US poison centers make possible the compilation and reporting of this comprehensive description of human exposures to potentially toxic substances through their meticulous documentation of each case using standardized definitions and compatible computer systems. Centers participating in this report include Regional Poison Control Center, Birmingham, AL Alabama Poison Center, Tuscaloosa, AL; Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center, Tucson, AZ; Banner Poison Control Center, Phoenix, AZ; Arkansas Poison and Drug Information Center, Little Rock, AR; California Poison Control System—Fresno/Madera Division, CA; California Poison Control System—Sacramento Division, CA; California Poison Control System—San Diego Division, CA; California Poison Control System—San Francisco Division, CA; Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center, Denver, CO; Connecticut Poison Control Center, Farmington, CT; National Capital Poison Center, Washington, DC; Florida Poison Information Center, Tampa, FL; Florida Poison Information Center, Jacksonville, FL; Florida Poison Information Center, Miami, FL; Georgia Poison Center, Atlanta, GA; Illinois Poison Center, Chicago, IL; Indiana Poison Center, Indianapolis, IN; Iowa Statewide Poison Control Center, Sioux City, IA; Mid-America Poison Control Center, Kansas City, KS; Kentucky Regional Poison Center, Louisville, KY; Louisiana Drug and Poison Information Center, Monroe, LA; Northern New England Poison Center, Portland, ME; Maryland Poison Center, Baltimore, MD; Regional Center for Poison Control and Prevention Serving Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Boston, MA; Children’s Hospital of Michigan Regional Poison Control Center, Detroit, MI; DeVos Children’s Hospital Regional Poison Center, Grand Rapids, MI; Hennepin Regional Poison Center, Minneapolis, MN; Mississippi Regional Poison Control Center, Jackson, MS; Missouri Regional Poison Center, St. Louis, MO; The Poison Center, Omaha, NE; New Hampshire Poison Information Center, Lebanon, NH; New Jersey Poison Information and Education System, Newark, NJ; New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center, Albuquerque, NM; New York City Poison Control Center, New York, NY; Long Island Regional Poison and Drug Information Center, Mineola, NY; Finger Lakes Regional Poison and Drug Information Center, Rochester, NY; Central New York Poison Center, Syracuse, NY; Western New York Poison Center, Buffalo, NY; Carolinas Poison Center, Charlotte, NC; Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center, Cincinnati, OH; Central Ohio Poison Center, Columbus, OH; Greater Cleveland Poison Control Center, Cleveland, OH; Oklahoma Poison Control Center, Oklahoma City, OK; Oregon Poison Center, Portland, OR; Pittsburgh Poison Center, Pittsburgh, PA; The Poison Control Center, Philadelphia, PA; Penn State Poison Center, Hershey, PA; San Jorge Children’s Hospital Poison Center, Santurce, PR; Palmetto Poison Center, Columbia, SC; Middle Tennessee Poison Center, Nashville, TN; Southern Poison Center, Memphis, TN; Central Texas Poison Center, Temple, TX; North Texas Poison Center, Dallas, TX; Southeast Texas Poison Center, Galveston, TX; Texas Panhandle Poison Center, Amarillo, TX; West Texas Regional Poison Center, El Paso, TX; South Texas Poison Center, San Antonio, TX; Utah Poison Control Center, Salt Lake City, UT; Virginia Poison Center, Richmond, VA; Blue Ridge Poison Center, Charlottesville, VA; Washington Poison Center, Seattle, WA; West Virginia Poison Center, Charleston, WV; and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Poison Center, Milwaukee, WI. © 1985–2003 by the American Association of Poison Control Centers. Published by permission. All rights reserved. Reprints are available at a cost of $10 each. Address requests to AAPCC, 3201 New Mexico Ave, Suite 330, Washington, DC 20016.
Titel: 2002 annual report of the American association of poison control centers toxic exposure surveillance system 1 1 US poison centers make possible the compilation and reporting of this comprehensive description of human exposures to potentially toxic substances through their meticulous documentation of each case using standardized definitions and compatible computer systems. Centers participating in this report include Regional Poison Control Center, Birmingham, AL Alabama Poison Center, Tuscaloosa, AL; Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center, Tucson, AZ; Banner Poison Control Center, Phoenix, AZ; Arkansas Poison and Drug Information Center, Little Rock, AR; California Poison Control System—Fresno/Madera Division, CA; California Poison Control System—Sacramento Division, CA; California Poison Control System—San Diego Division, CA; California Poison Control System—San Francisco Division, CA; Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center, Denver, CO; Connecticut Poison Control Center, Farmington, CT; National Capital Poison Center, Washington, DC; Florida Poison Information Center, Tampa, FL; Florida Poison Information Center, Jacksonville, FL; Florida Poison Information Center, Miami, FL; Georgia Poison Center, Atlanta, GA; Illinois Poison Center, Chicago, IL; Indiana Poison Center, Indianapolis, IN; Iowa Statewide Poison Control Center, Sioux City, IA; Mid-America Poison Control Center, Kansas City, KS; Kentucky Regional Poison Center, Louisville, KY; Louisiana Drug and Poison Information Center, Monroe, LA; Northern New England Poison Center, Portland, ME; Maryland Poison Center, Baltimore, MD; Regional Center for Poison Control and Prevention Serving Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Boston, MA; Children’s Hospital of Michigan Regional Poison Control Center, Detroit, MI; DeVos Children’s Hospital Regional Poison Center, Grand Rapids, MI; Hennepin Regional Poison Center, Minneapolis, MN; Mississippi Regional Poison Control Center, Jackson, MS; Missouri Regional Poison Center, St. Louis, MO; The Poison Center, Omaha, NE; New Hampshire Poison Information Center, Lebanon, NH; New Jersey Poison Information and Education System, Newark, NJ; New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center, Albuquerque, NM; New York City Poison Control Center, New York, NY; Long Island Regional Poison and Drug Information Center, Mineola, NY; Finger Lakes Regional Poison and Drug Information Center, Rochester, NY; Central New York Poison Center, Syracuse, NY; Western New York Poison Center, Buffalo, NY; Carolinas Poison Center, Charlotte, NC; Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center, Cincinnati, OH; Central Ohio Poison Center, Columbus, OH; Greater Cleveland Poison Control Center, Cleveland, OH; Oklahoma Poison Control Center, Oklahoma City, OK; Oregon Poison Center, Portland, OR; Pittsburgh Poison Center, Pittsburgh, PA; The Poison Control Center, Philadelphia, PA; Penn State Poison Center, Hershey, PA; San Jorge Children’s Hospital Poison Center, Santurce, PR; Palmetto Poison Center, Columbia, SC; Middle Tennessee Poison Center, Nashville, TN; Southern Poison Center, Memphis, TN; Central Texas Poison Center, Temple, TX; North Texas Poison Center, Dallas, TX; Southeast Texas Poison Center, Galveston, TX; Texas Panhandle Poison Center, Amarillo, TX; West Texas Regional Poison Center, El Paso, TX; South Texas Poison Center, San Antonio, TX; Utah Poison Control Center, Salt Lake City, UT; Virginia Poison Center, Richmond, VA; Blue Ridge Poison Center, Charlottesville, VA; Washington Poison Center, Seattle, WA; West Virginia Poison Center, Charleston, WV; and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Poison Center, Milwaukee, WI. © 1985–2003 by the American Association of Poison Control Centers. Published by permission. All rights reserved. Reprints are available at a cost of $10 each. Address requests to AAPCC, 3201 New Mexico Ave, Suite 330, Washington, DC 20016.
Auteur: Watson, William A
Litovitz, Toby L
Rodgers Jr, George C
Klein-schwartz, Wendy
Youniss, Jessica
Rose, S.Rutherfoord
Borys, Douglas
May, Mary E
Verschenen in: American journal of emergency medicine
Paginering: Jaargang 21 (2003) nr. 5 pagina's 69 p.
Jaar: 2003
Uitgever: Elsevier Inc.
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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