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  Current attitudes of head and neck oncologists in the United Kingdom to induction chemotherapy for locally advanced head and neck cancer: A survey of centres participating in a national randomised controlled trial
Titel: Current attitudes of head and neck oncologists in the United Kingdom to induction chemotherapy for locally advanced head and neck cancer: A survey of centres participating in a national randomised controlled trial
Auteur: Gujral, D.M.
Piercy, D.
Morden, J.P.
Emson, M.
Hall, E.
Miah, A.B.
Bhide, S.A.
Newbold, K.L.
Harrington, K.J.
Nutting, C.M.
Verschenen in: Oral oncology
Paginering: Jaargang 50 (2014) nr. 2 pagina's 6 p.
Jaar: 2014
Uitgever: Elsevier Ltd
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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