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  Management of eWork health issues: A new perspective on an old problem
Titel: Management of eWork health issues: A new perspective on an old problem
Auteur: Kirk, Elizabeth
Strong, Jenny
Verschenen in: Work
Paginering: Jaargang 35 (2010) nr. 2 pagina's 173-181
Jaar: 2010-02-17
Inhoud: Contact centres are vehicles for a rapidly growing group of knowledge workers, or eWorkers. Using computers and high-speed telecommunications connections as work tools, these employees spend long hours performing mentally demanding work while maintaining static, physically stressful, seated positions. The complex interplay between job demands, work environment, and individual differences combine to produce high levels of physical discomfort among eWorkers. This paper discusses a new view that has emerged, one that focuses on the management rather than the elimination of work related upper limb disorders (WRULD) and computer vision syndrome (CVS) issues that are prevalent among eWorkers. It also reviews a cultural shift among practitioners and business that moves towards a consultative process and the sharing of knowledge among all stakeholders. The controlled work conditions and large single location workforce found within contact centres provide the opportunity to understand the personal and industry cost of eWork injuries and the ability to develop and review new multifaceted interventions. Advances in training and workplace design aimed at decreasing discomfort and injury and reducing the associated economic burden may then be adapted for all eWorkforce groups.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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