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                                       Details for article 10 of 91 found articles
  A protocol for occupational therapists: consultant for adaptations and technical aids
Title: A protocol for occupational therapists: consultant for adaptations and technical aids
Author: Henriette H.J. van Zwet-de Savornin Lohman
Appeared in: Technology & disability
Paging: Volume 11 (2001) nr. 1-2 pages 65-69
Year: 2001-04-01
Contents: This article explains the protocol drawn up on behalf of the Dutch Federation of Occupational Therapists. It sets out for consultants the method of giving professional written advice on home adaptations and devices. In the Netherlands in 1994, a change in legislation made the local authorities responsible for home adaptations and technical aids for inhabitants with disabilities. As the authorities were not adequately staffed, this opened the possibility for occupational therapists (OT's) to work not only as consultants in health institutes but also for the local authorities. At present the local authorities are required to contract with a consultant who has knowledge in the medical, social, ergonomic and technical fields. Occupational therapists have this knowledge. In 1997, the Dutch Federation of OT formed a group of OT's working in this sector, to develop a protocol for professional OT advice. The protocol contains (1) the steps to obtain professional advice; (2) the criteria of contracting an external consultant; (3) the criteria for the ``advice'' document; (4) the minimum level of qualification and experience; (5) the responsibilities of an OT consultant; (6) the cooperation between the OT advisor and the attending OT.
Publisher: IOS Press
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 10 of 91 found articles
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