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  A multi-center investigation of neurobehavioral outcome after traumatic brain injury
Titel: A multi-center investigation of neurobehavioral outcome after traumatic brain injury
Auteur: Keyser, Lori
Witol, Adrienne D.
Kreutzer, Jeffrey S.
Rosenthal, Mitchell
Verschenen in: NeuroRehabilitation
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (2014) nr. 3 pagina's 255-267
Jaar: 2014-02-13
Inhoud: Outcome of 295 rehabilitation patients with mild, moderate, and severe brain injury was investigated prospectively at five regional medical centers using the Neurobehavioral Rating Scale. Mean factor scale scores were generally low. with the cognition mean highest and the excitement mean lowest. Regardless of scale, the most significant neurobehavioral difficulties were related to memory, insight, attention, alertness, fatigue, and blunted affect. Conversely, problems rated as least severe included hallucinations, guilt, excitement and lability of mood. Approximately 9% of the sample had at least a moderate problem with agitation, an item on the excitement scale. The general pattern of mean factor scale elevations was consistent with other studies. No relationship was found between injury severity and neurobehavioral characteristics. The relatively low incidence of neurobehavioral problems may reflect recovery and effective interdisciplinary management.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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