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  Gender differences in a sample of vocational rehabilitation clients with TBI
Titel: Gender differences in a sample of vocational rehabilitation clients with TBI
Auteur: Thomas A. Bounds
Laura Schopp
Brick Johnstone
Clarinda Unger
Herb Goldman
Verschenen in: NeuroRehabilitation
Paginering: Jaargang 18 (2003) nr. 3 pagina's 189-196
Jaar: 2003-10-01
Inhoud: Because traumatic brain injury affects between 1.5 and 2 million individuals per year and results in long term vocational and financial difficulties, there is growing interest in determining those factors that predict successful outcomes for specific groups of individuals with TBI. An NIH consensus panel on TBI has suggested that women are one group that needs more attention, particularly given the studies indicating that men and women experience different cognitive [14], emotional [19], and vocational outcomes following TBI [5]. The current study evaluated differences in injury severity, demographics, neuropsychological abilities, and vocational and financial outcomes for 78 persons with TBI (55 male, 23 female) who received services from a state Vocational Rehabilitation Division (DVR). Despite similar injury severity, neuropsychological and demographic characteristics, more men (43.6%) received Maintenance services from MO-DVR than women (21.7%). Of note, only 4.4% of the women were successfully employed through DVR, compared to 23.6% of the men. In addition, 73.9% of the women had services terminated after being accepted by DVR but before services were initiated, compared to 56.4% of the men. The significance of these results is discussed, as are the limitations of the current project.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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