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                                       Details for article 85 of 398 found articles
  Detection of breast cancer microcalcification using 99mTc-MDP SPECT or Osteosense 750EX FMT imaging
Title: Detection of breast cancer microcalcification using 99mTc-MDP SPECT or Osteosense 750EX FMT imaging
Author: Felix, Dayo D.
Gore, John C.
Yankeelov, Thomas E.
Peterson, Todd E.
Barnes, Stephanie
Whisenant, Jennifer
Weis, Jared
Shoukouhi, Sepideh
Virostko, John
Nickels, Michael
McIntyre, J. Oliver
Sanders, Melinda
Abramson, Vandana
Tantawy, Mohammed N.
Appeared in: Nuclear medicine and biology
Paging: Volume 42 (2015) nr. 3 pages 5 p.
Year: 2015
Publisher: Elsevier Inc.
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 85 of 398 found articles
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