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                                       Details for article 2 of 7 found articles
  Copper ions mediate the lethality induced by hydrogen peroxide in low iron conditions in Escherichia coli
Title: Copper ions mediate the lethality induced by hydrogen peroxide in low iron conditions in Escherichia coli
Author: Almeida, Carlos Eduardo B.
Galhardo, Rodrigo S.
Felı́cio, Deise L.
Cabral-Neto, Januário B.
Leitão, Alvaro C.
Appeared in: Mutation Research. DNA repair
Paging: Volume 460 (2000) nr. 1 pages 7 p.
Year: 2000
Publisher: Elsevier Science B.V.
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 2 of 7 found articles
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