Quantitative trait loci analysis of human event-related brain potentials: P3 voltage
Quantitative trait loci analysis of human event-related brain potentials: P3 voltage
Begleiter, H Porjesz, B Reich, T Edenberg, H.J Goate, A Blangero, J Almasy, L Foroud, T Van Eerdewegh, P Polich, J Rohrbaugh, J Kuperman, S Bauer, L.O O'Connor, S.J Chorlian, D.B Li, T.K Conneally, P.M Hesselbrock, V Rice, J.P Schuckit, M.A Cloninger, R Nurnberger Jr., J Crowe, R Bloom, F.E
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Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. Evoked potentials