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                            Tijdschrift beschrijving i-Perception
                            Tijdschrift beschrijving open-access journal of human, animal, and machine perception
open-access journal of human, animal, and machine perception
Titel: i-Perception
open-access journal of human, animal, and machine perception
Annotatie: Later uitg.: [London] : Sage
Ook o.d.t.: IPE
i-Perception is a new open-access sister journal to Perception. For nearly 40 years Perception has been a leading journal for everyone interested in all the senses and the perceptual processes of humans, animals and machines. i-Perception covers the same academic areas but while Perception will continue as a free-to-publish, pay-to-read journal of the traditional sort, i-Perception is a pay-to-publish, free-to-read journal, thereby disseminating refereed accounts of research as widely as possible. Although the two journals will be treated separately bibliographically and as regards indexing and other listings, they share a common editorial board, refereeing standards and have similar submission procedures
Exemplaar met signatuur: e-Depot Sage. - AANWEZIG: dec. 2015–jrg. 11, afl. 1 (feb. 2020) - mogelijk incompleet
Onderwerp: tijdschriften
77.40 waarneming (psychologie)
42.63 dierfysiologie
44.90 neurologie
Wijsbegeerte, psychologie
Uitgever: London : Pion
[London] : Sage
Volgnummer: 1 van 1

 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland