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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptation of a Behavioural Activation Intervention for Depression in People with Diabetes in Bangladesh and Pakistan: DiaDeM Intervention Zavala, Gerardo A.

3 1 p. 44-55
2 Barriers and Enablers to COVID-19 Vaccination in San Francisco's Spanish-Speaking Population Abascal Miguel, Lucía

3 1 p. 56-66
3 Common Elements Approaches to Implementation Research and Practice: Methods and Integration with Intervention Science Engell, Thomas

3 1 p. 1-15
4 Development, Implementation, and Process Evaluation of Bukhali: An Intervention from Preconception to Early Childhood Draper, Catherine E.

3 1 p. 31-43
5 Do Degrees Matter? Rethinking Workforce Development for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities and Mental Health Challenges Reay, Susan

3 1 p. 67-77
6 Implementation Methods and Research for a Post-truth World with Growing Inequities Øvretveit, John

3 1 p. 78-84
7 The Pre-implementation Process of Adapting a Culturally Informed Stress Reduction Intervention for Native American Head Start Teachers Wilson, Deborah H.

3 1 p. 16-30
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland