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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Changes in the soil microbial communities of different soil aggregations after vegetation restoration in a semiarid grassland, China Xue, Zhijing

3 1 p. 6-21
2 Effect of bacterial intra-species community interactions on the production and activity of volatile organic compounds Wang, Jianing

3 1 p. 32-41
3 Lessons learned from COVID-19 on potentially pathogenic soil microorganisms Qian, Haifeng

3 1 p. 1-5
4 Nitrogen addition inhibits total monoterpene emissions in subtropical forest floor of South China Huang, Xingran

3 1 p. 63-72
5 Plant community and soil properties drive arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity: A case study in tropical forests Zhang, Jing

3 1 p. 52-62
6 Revisiting mycorrhizal dogmas: Are mycorrhizas really functioning as they are widely believed to do? Albornoz, Felipe E.

3 1 p. 73-82
7 Root exudates mediate plant defense against foliar pathogens by recruiting beneficial microbes Wen, Tao

3 1 p. 42-51
8 Soil phyllosilicate and iron oxide inhibit the quorum sensing of Chromobacterium violaceum Yang, Shanshan

3 1 p. 22-31
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland