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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Biochar influences the cane fields’ microbiota and the development of pre-sprouted sugarcane seedlings Pinto, Bruna Cristina

5 1 p. 75-88
2 Biochar-mediated removal of pharmaceutical compounds from aqueous matrices via adsorption Chauhan, Sahil

5 1 p. 37-62
3 Crucial role of iron plaque on thallium uptake by rice plant Zhang, Xiaoyin

5 1 p. 89-96
4 Density functional theory for selecting modifiers for enhanced adsorption of tetracycline in water by biochar Masrura, Sayeda Ummeh

5 1 p. 25-35
5 Manufacturing of high-performance light-weight mortar through addition of biochars of millet and maize Tayyab, Seemab

5 1 p. 97-111
6 Nitrite sensor using activated biochar synthesised by microwave-assisted pyrolysis Allende, Scarlett

5 1 p. 1-11
7 Optimization of adsorbent dose and contact time for the production of jackfruit waste nutrient-enriched biochar Nsubuga, Denis

5 1 p. 63-74
8 Stability of potentially toxic elements in municipal sludge biochars modified by MgCl2 and phosphate Huang, Qiqi

5 1 p. 13-23
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland