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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Correction to: A review of pebble flow study for pebble bed high temperature gas-cooled reactor Jiang, Shengyao

3 4 p. 320
2 Correction to: Effect of interfacial drag force model on code prediction for upward adiabatic two-phase bubbly flow in vertical channels Hibiki, Takashi

3 4 p. 323
3 Correction to: From indoor exposure to inhaled particle deposition: A multiphase journey of inhaled particles Inthavong, Kiao

3 4 p. 322
4 Correction to: One-dimensional drift-flux correlations for two-phase flow in medium-size channels Hibiki, Takashi

3 4 p. 319
5 Correction to: State-of-the-art in plant component flow-induced vibration (FIV) Miwa, Shuichiro

3 4 p. 321
6 Correction to: Thermal hydraulic considerations of nuclear reactor systems: Past, present and future challenges Yeoh, Guan Heng

3 4 p. 318
7 Fundamental study on chaotic transition of two-phase flow regime and free surface instability in gas deaeration process Mukhopadhyay, Sourabh

3 4 p. 258-288
8 Modeling of solid-particle effects on bubble breakage and coalescence in slurry bubble columns Mühlbauer, Adam

3 4 p. 303-317
9 MP-PIC investigation of the multi-scale gas-solid flow in the bubbling fluidized bed Wan, Zhanghao

3 4 p. 289-302
10 Multiscale modelling of nucleate boiling on nanocoatings for electronics cooling—From nanoscale to macroscale Li, Xiangdong

3 4 p. 233-241
11 Parameter analysis and wall effect of radiative heat transfer for CFD-DEM simulation in nuclear packed pebble bed Wu, Hao

3 4 p. 250-257
12 Simulation of water evaporation under natural conditions—A state-of-the-art overview Wickert, Daniel

3 4 p. 242-249
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland