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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A New Methodology for the Study of Mind-Wandering Process Dario, Nadia

3 2 p. 172-189
2 A Theoretical Discussion on the State of Scientific Research and Publishing: Critical Reflections and New Directions Singh, Sanjay

3 2 p. 214-228
3 Culture and International Volunteerism: an Analytic Study of Intercultural Interactions between UK and Ghanaian Volunteers on the International Citizen Service (ICS) Program Ibrahim, Hadi

3 2 p. 279-295
4 How Do Students Describe Their Study Processes in the Competence-Based Vocational Special Education Teacher Training? Kepanen, Pirkko

3 2 p. 247-263
5 Nietzsche’s Psychology of the Self: the Art of Overcoming the Divided Self Stolz, Steven A.

3 2 p. 264-278
6 Overcoming the Odds: an Assessment of the Instinctiveness of Refugees and Migrants Sarpong, Sam

3 2 p. 139-154
7 The Relationship Between the Inner Speech and Emotions: Revisiting the Study of Passions in Psychology Fossa, Pablo

3 2 p. 229-246
8 The Science and Ethics of Intervention Programmes in Family and Child Welfare: Towards Building an Inclusive Psychology for Social Justice Chaudhary, Nandita

3 2 p. 155-171
9 Walking in St. Petersburg—Vienna Walks Continued Mironenko, Irina A.

3 2 p. 190-213
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland