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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ampleness of Schur powers of cotangent bundles and k-hyperbolicity Etesse, Antoine

8 1 artikel
2 A stochastic closure for two-moment bulk microphysics of warm clouds: part I, derivations Collins, David

8 1 artikel
3 A stochastic closure for two-moment bulk microphysics of warm clouds: part II, parameter constraint and validation Collins, David

8 1 artikel
4 Bhargava’s cube and black hole charges Banerjee, Nabamita

8 1 artikel
5 Correction to: Effective behavior of cooperative and nonidentical molecular motors Klobusicky, Joseph J.

8 1 artikel
6 Delay-coordinate maps, coherence, and approximate spectra of evolution operators Giannakis, Dimitrios

8 1 artikel
7 Effective forms of the Sato–Tate conjecture Thorner, Jesse

8 1 artikel
8 Indefinite zeta functions Kopp, Gene S.

8 1 artikel
9 Initial investigations of precipitating quasi-geostrophic turbulence with phase changes Hu, Rentian

8 1 artikel
10 Kolmogorov width decay and poor approximators in machine learning: shallow neural networks, random feature models and neural tangent kernels E, Weinan

8 1 artikel
11 Motive of the moduli stack of rational curves on a weighted projective stack Park, Jun–Yong

8 1 artikel
12 On sets of maximally commuting and anticommuting Pauli operators Sarkar, Rahul

8 1 artikel
13 On sparse geometry of numbers Fukshansky, Lenny

8 1 artikel
14 On the dynamical system generated by the Möbius transformation at prime times Mérai, László

8 1 artikel
15 On the reductions of certain two-dimensional crystabelline representations Arsovski, Bodan

8 1 artikel
16 Several new product identities in relation to Rogers–Ramanujan type sums and mock theta functions Pascadi, Alexandru

8 1 artikel
17 Trace minmax functions and the radical Laguerre–Pólya class Pascoe, J. E.

8 1 artikel
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland